
tak pasti atas alasan apa CINTA etu wujud..kalau boleh macam nak bunuh CUPID. huh!! STUPID CUPID!!! takde keje lain??

apa ada pada CINTA??
apa etu CINTA??
CINTA etu sebuah jalan dan komitmen bukan hanya sekadar perasaan..
CINTA juga tak semestinya berakhir bahagia kerana eyanya tak pernah berakhir..

best LOVER = best fren
LOVE = dengar apa yang tak dikata
= faham apa yang tak dijelaskan

" if u LOVE sum1 jangan terlalu mengharap kerana sebenarnya u r not in LOVE with him..u just buat 1 perlaburan in life.."
so?? faham??


show me d way..

I can't take it
What am I waiting for
I'd still break it
I miss you even more and
I can't fake it
The way I could before
I hate you but I love you
I can't stop thinking of you I
hate you but I love you
I'm stuck on you!
Sometimes I think we're truly meant to be,
But others say I'm misguided,
So until I know for sure,
My heart is undecided.


dak CHit i..

smlm u kt " yunk igtkn i, this month kita g kursus kawin".
n u kata " yunk, we should start beli brg2 rumah dh..."
n u kata " no cats inside d house.."
n u kata " yunk, u hilang akal ke?? i windu u giler!!"
n u kata " yung, i nak u!!"
n u kata " ahh...u dh tak sayang i!!"
n u kata " alaa dak chik i nih.. "
n u kata " meh meh hug hug hug...ergghhhh!!!"
n u kata " yunk, dh la marah. i tak faham knp bnd kecik pn u nk marah smpai mcm ni!"
n u kata " hah..its ok dear"
n u kata "i syang u sangat la yunk"
n u kata, kata, kata n kata.....

my lovely dak chit..
I do have 2 many things 2 say 2u but sometimes .....
If I should say that I understand myself any more, I lied.
If I should say that I am not confused, I lied.
If I should say that I have seen a thing like this, I lied.
I want D best 4 me. Could U be D one? I hope U R D right Romeo... I hope I can trust U with my heart... ARGGHHH!!!I am more confused than ever. I have to make up my mind before its 2late!! I'd like 2 run away From u, But if u didn't come And find me ... I would die...

1 man all by himself is nothing!! 2 people who belong together make a world...hehehe


lu tak faham Gue??

Tak wajar gue hukum dgn kata yang keras tetapi.. gue ada kepentingan kesempurnaan peribadi, ahh selalu letakkan rasa & emosi di tempat yang atas. atau lu yang buta walaupun celik?? pekak walaupn dengar?? atau lu sambil lewa?? atau gue yg terlalu fussy? perfectionist? aha hard to please? lu atau gue yg bingai??

tp kita miliki character yg sama!!

· bercita-cita tinggi dan serius
· suka mendidik dan dididik
· mudah melihat kelemahan orang dan suka mengkritik
· rajin dan setiap yg dibuat nampak keuntungan
· suka smart, kemas dan teratur
· bersifat sensitif , berfikiran mendalam
· pandai mengambil hati org lain
· agak pemalu daya tumpuan yang sangat tinggi
· mudah mendisiplinkan diri sendiri
· badannya sihat tetapi mudah diserang selsema
· bersikap romantik tetapi tidak pandai mempamirkannya
· cukup sayang pd kanak-kanak
· suka duduk rumah
· setia pada segala-galanya
· cukup cemburu yg sangat tinggi

if lu still tak faham gue.. ni la gue:
u are idealistic and romantic,
putting ur lover on a pedestal.
u look for the very best mate you can find.
u are a flirt, yet once committed,
u are very loyal.
u are sensuous and privately passionate.
Publicly, u can be showy, extravagant, and gallant.
u are a born romantic.
Dramatic love scenes are a favourite fantasy past time.
u can be a very generous lover.

tapi tolong sedia maklum bahawa gue datang sekali dengan ciri2 ni:

semua perkara direncanakan dengan sempurna.
terlalu sering berpikir, hingga hal yang tak penting pun dipikirkan
aneh kerana terlalu sering berfikir
Menempatkan standard tinggi pada dirinya, dan pada orang lain, menginginkan segala-galanya pada urutan dan yang semestinya sepanjang waktu.

Suka menyelidik bhg2 hubungan yang logic dan semestinya yg masuk AKAL

Berkeras tentang persoalan atau perincian simple, minta perhatian besar kepada perincian yang tidak penting.

Hard to please
standardnya ditetapkan begitu tinggi sehingga orang lain susah memuaskannya.

lu brani..lu terus..if not angkat bendera putih jek!!!! terpulang....




choi - botak juta cl cr ko. apasal bg smua org no ofis? smua org cl nk mtk utang..adui kang smpai ke bos, aku yg kne. kak sheda angkat. nasib aku dgr..kak tlg la ambik responsible skit psl ceti juta ni. ko melibatkan reputasi aku kt ofis. aku ckp ko dh xdtg keje since ry. lepas tu dia cl fon aku. maki2. tlgla jgn lepas tgn..s a sister ko patut jaga adik2, bg teladan yg elok. jgnla susahkn aku lg tlgla..

sory cz bnyk m'nyusahkn ko n kau x payah anggap aku kakak kau lg start dr hari nie. aku tgh susah tp smua org tk fhm so aku akan cuba tuk tak myusahkn kau lg!.

huh! ko mmg dr dl xbleh kene tegur. alasan ko, tgh susah n org buat xtau. smua org ada jatuh bgn..if ko dh kt cm tu terpulang..aku br bg msg cm tu ko dh nk melenting, nk buang family n adik bradik. if aku xambik tau, dr dl aku bleh buat bodoh. tp aku xnk sb ko darah daging aku!ko fikir la sndr..

aku bkn malaikat n aku pn bkn setan. aku mmg pantang kalau org nasihat aku bab teladan cz aku x pernah dpt teladan yg baik dr ketua famili. if ko rs ko nk teladan yg baik, ko crlah kakak lain cz aku dilahirkn serba kekurangan. mmg ko dh bnyk menolong aku ketika aku jatuh, tp bl aku dlm keadaan t'tekan, ko tak sepatutnya nasihat aku mcm 2. aku pernah b'gaduh dgn ko dl psl ko kt diny adalah cth kakak yg baik n b'tanggungjwb. if ko nk p'soalkn bab teladan, aku bleh huraikn satu p'satu. aku pn xnk dilahirkn sebagai kakak cz aku kene tunjuk pd adik2 aku teladan yg baik, tp nk buat mcmana. masing2 ada sikap buruk sndr!.

yes tp jgn lari dr kenyataan. ko dh utang knp lari2? walhal ko bleh cl cina tu n mntk tangguh..senang kn?! knp nk biar cina tu cl ofis aku bnyk kali? mn tggung jwb ko lepas ko dh pnjm? etu yg aku marah.

aku bkn lepas tgn tp h/p aku speaker prob. aku dh ckp gan ceti 2, yg cl ko 2 member aku, dia sj nk wayang dpn bos dia cz takut bos dia kt dia payung aku. mcm nielah, aku xkn susah n libatkn diri ko dlm hidup aku lg, yg mn aku dh t'lepas bg no ofis n fon ko, ko ktlah aku dh b'henti but if eon bank cl, ckp aku keje kt c2 s a general clerk, 1700 salary, 1 thn 6 bln dh keje cz aku nk settle smua hutang ko n lain2. insyaallah dgn izin allah aku xakan susahkn hidup ko walaupn aku xde $$ nk mkn. aku mati kebuluran pn pas ni, aku akan cuba tuk xm'yusahkn family n adik bradik. t. kasih byk2 d atas nasihat ko!

suke hati ko! if ko bkn bt samsudin dh lm aku buat dunno. if ko rs bkn family yg akan uruskn jenazah ko..terserah..xgn aku ckp bnyk..aku pn bkn dpt didikan or teladan yg baik dr family. tp knp aku bleh fikir n disiplinkn dr sndr? knp mst ikut teladan yg xbaik? tepuk dada tny selera..


my heArT

D sini kau dan aku
Terbiasa bersama
Menjalani kasih sayang
Bahagia ku denganmu

Pernahkah kau menguntai
Hari paling indah
Ku ukir nama kita berdua
Disini surga kita

Bila kita mencintai yang lain
Mungkin kah hati ini akan tegar
Sebisa mungkin tak akan pernah
Sayang ku akan hilang

If u love somebody
Could we b this strong
I will fight 2 win
Our love will conquer all
Wouldn’t reach my love
Even just one night
Our love will stay in my heart
My heart

u rs?? berbaloi??



Ada sebuah kisah
Tentang dara jelita
Hidup slalu
Penuh dera dan siksa
Datang sebuah berita
Tentang adanya pesta
Pengeran mencari
Cinderella pun tiba
Dengan kereta kencana
Sepatu kaca hiasi kakinya
Semua mata terpana
Akan kedatangannya
Pengeran pun jatuh
Cinta padanya..
Waktu silih berganti
Dentang jampun berbunyi
Cinderella pergi (Cinderella,cinderella..)
ler...mana pulak cinderella pegi?? erk..cinderella dah lari!! dh ada CINTA HATI...
i just cant live w/out u..
u r my life
my luv
my heart
my future
my soul
my everything
my 1 n only
luv u from my heart, cant deny that..trust me...
heheheh i just dont give a damn with that PENGERAN or CASTLE or anthing..i dun wan 2b d QUEEN...i just wan 2b ur PRINCESS....
ek?? i ke cinderella tuh?? prasan!!



erm..penangan wedding of the year!! siti n datuk k..
loving gak org tua tu ek...erm..hantaran pn 30k..juling mata i tgk..i pun NAK!!!
erm..ok gak ngan ORANG TUA..wat do u think??LOVING...experience pn not bad! hehehe $$$, erm..smua dh ada..i tak pyh pening2..just cuci tangan jek!! erm..tak kira la beza 20 thn pn..erm..leh jd JANDA KAYA N DARING!!wakakakaka

ok..prince charming!!! wer r u?? oi prince charming!!!! i tggu lama dh ni..huh!!!
mana prince charming i ni ek?? u naik kuda ke apa?? lmbt nyer..erm..accident kot!!
bosan ek tggu lelama!!! prince oh prince, i tak suke tggu!!ler..sp prince i?? i pn tak tau..asyik tggu jek..ke i ptt cari sndr!!ha!! good idea ek?!ah!! abad 21 sp peduli??ADAT?? yah..adat..biar mati anak jgn mati adat..adui!! sp lak yg cipta adat ni..kan dh susah..yah i pn secara tak langsung..terpaksa la ikut adat..
erm..if i ada kuasa...u tak yah susah2..biar i pegi PINANG u!!hah brapa HANTARAN u nk??apa STYLE u nk??wakakakakak!!!berangan jek i nih!!

erm..lantak p la prince..suke u la..take ur SWEET TIME k..i pn tak ready lagi sbnrnyer...TAKUT!!!
takut apa?? ishh...meh i bgtau apa i takut:

  1. nnt i takleh CUCI MATA dh. adui...abis tuh..i pandang muke u jek ek??
  2. nnt i takleh GEDIK-GEDIK
  3. nnt smua nk kene mintak PERMISSION
  4. takleh LAWAN CAKAP!! la..abis?? nk i diam jek ke??
  5. takleh JUAL SAHAM!! tak laku
  6. kene jg MAKAN PAKAI UMAH bla bla bla
  7. mak oi!! MAK MERTUA lagi!!!
  8. nnt takleh TIDO smpai petang!!!tension nyer
  9. erm..i kene buang la smua skirt2 i tuh!!!tak leh SEXY ek??
  10. ishhh tak leh SCANDAL2!!!!argggghhhhh
  11. erm...STATUS pn dh tukar!!!
  12. i tak leh ckp...'wow!! handsome nyer..pengsan i!!' even skarang pn u nk cmpak i kt logi najis!!
  13. nnt dh bersalin GEMUK!!
  14. tak leh MAIN MATA!!!

eh bnyk la!! tension i fikir....u dtg jln kaki pn takpe prince..i TGGU ...sambil2 tu let me ENJOY doing wat i want k...dun DISTURB me..biarkn i ngan dunia fantasi i!!



WNF 2206

i xtau knp i keras hati sdgkn i tau u still m'hrp. org kt, just i dlm hati u. pls tell me statment tu SALAH..

Eh u.. y ni? tak statment i tu BETUL.

tell me it is not true.. jgn buat i srba slh.jgn buat i t'agak2

how 2 tipu my heart!! y u said mcm tu??? i alwayz wish u wil come bck 2me. but decision is yours. honestly i ckp dr dl after kita broke up..u still inside my heart.

u, if u need 2cme..bgtau k. i know u r not OK.

i just need a shoulder 2cry on.

i just need sum1 2calm me down.

i just need sum1 2 hug.

i just need sum 1 who appreciate my tears n feelings.



Sumthing bout d way that u workin me,
teasin me, pleasing me, easily boy, I’m addicted 2 u
Got a have ya for all the things that u do
It something bout this feeling, it’s crazy,
amazing that stays with me all night n day,
Makes my temperature rise
Boy ur love has got me so hypnotized

I’m feeling sumthing that I can’t understand
It’s like i'm captured by d touch of ur hand
Its so vibe it’s ur style it d way the that u smile
Get a little rush when I hear ur name
It’s all magnetic with ur hand next 2 me
Holdin' me close happens so naturally
We connect, its electric, this felling inside
Didn’t know that even if I tried ??

u got me spinning like a merry go round
Feels like I’m flyin' but I ain’t off d ground
Fallin' fast i’m a afraid can’t escape there’s no way
Never had a feeling like this b4

It’s amazing how u drive me crazy
Boy keep doin’ what u’re doin’
Cause u’re really gettin through 2 me
Day n night babe u know I can’t fight it
Just 1 look in2 my eyes n u know u got me hypnotized


2 mY sPeaRs

Oh baby baby
how was I supposed 2 know
Oh pretty baby
I shouldn’t have let u go
I must confess
that my loneliness is killing me now
Don’t u know I still believe
That u will b here
And give me a sign
Hit me baby 1 more time!!
I don't wanna b so shy
every time that I'm alone I wonder y
hope that u will wait 4 me
u'll C that u're D only 1 4 me
I wanna believe in everything that u say'
cause it sounds so good
but if u really want me
move slow
there's things about me u just have 2 know
I don't need nobody
Tellin me just what I wanna
What I what what I'm gonna
Do about my destiny
I Say NoNo
Nobody tell me just what what what I wanna dodo
I'm so fed up with people telling me to be
Someone else but me
Everybody's talkin' all this stuff about me
Why don't they just let me live? (tell me why)
I don't need permission
Make my own descisions (oh)
That's my prerogative
That's my prerogative
I'm calling
A guy like u
Should wear a warning
It's dangerous
I'm falling
I, I'm here 2 testify that u´re D only 1 I belong 2
I don´t know where 2 start, it turned in2 an art
Not 2 show D world that it was u
Who made me realize not 2 compromise
The fact that u and I should meet
I know we're gonna get, know we're gonna get, get
But if u look at me closely
u will C it in my eyes
This girl will always find her way
I know I've been a fool since u've been gone
I'd better give it up and carry on (oh my love)
'Cause living in a dream of u and me
Is not d way my life should b
I don't want 2 cry a tear 4u
So 4give me if I do
If only u were here 2night
I know that we could make it right


apa Dah JaDi??

This is what was said in the
court:(Azlina Jailani's lawyer)

"... it is time that we knock into the heads of Malay that our country Malaysia is never been an Islamic country. Strong message must be thrown to Muslim to tell them that in Malaysia Islam is just a subservient to constitution..."

erm..baca psl lina joy ni..insaf kejap..ligat gue tgh fikir ni!!apa gue fikir??smpai keje tak buat2 lagi ni..st lagi boss mai!!!erm..apa dh jadi skarang ni??umat islam sukak sukak jek tukar agama..apa sbnrnyer Allah nk bagi tau kt kita smua??
mak oi!!! nak kiamat dh ni!!!ADEHH!!!
erm..ok ok..meh kita renung tanda2 kiamat

tanda2 kecil
Penaklukan Baitulmuqaddis
Ramai org soleh meninggal dunia
Org hina dpt kedudukan terhormat
ucapkan salam kpd org yang dikenalnya sahaja
bnyk wanita yg berpakaian bt hakikatnya telanjang
Bnyk dusta & tidak tepat dlm menyampaikan berita
saksi palsu
Negara Arab jd padang rumput & sungai
binatang berekor yg menerangi pihak timur - kemungkinan Komet Helly
tidak ada org menghafal Quran just jdkn hiasan dinding.
berhutang di bank dgn menggunakan riba'
Kemelesetan ekonomi
Cukai ditinggikan.
homoseks dan lesbian.
penyakit ganjil - Siplis, Aids
perempuan taknk beranak bnyk & gn alat perancang keluarga
Org Islam kutuk mengutuk sesama Islam
Masjid dibina indah & mahal
P'puan mengatasi lelaki dr segi jumlah, peranan,menguasai rumah tangga (Queen Control)gempa bumi.
peperangan di serata ceruk muka bumi.
kumpulan penyanyi macam orang gila (rock) kumpulan punk
Lahir kumpulan mengkritik Hadis Nabi Muhamad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam.
Lelaki menyerupai p'puan & p'puan menyerupai lelaki.
keluarga pecah belah (anak durhaka ibu bapa,isteri tidak taat suami, suami menganiaya isteri di jadikan pelacur)
Pembunuhan secara aniaya berlaku secara terang2an tanpa pembelaan
Sembahyang ditinggalkan.
bangunan tinggi mencakar langit.
Org jahat jadi pemimpin.
Tidak amanah dan zalim.
haram dihalalkan.
Umat Islam bnyk yg tersesat & terkeluar dariaqudah Ahlussunnah Waljama'ah.
Ulama' menjual agama krn kepentingan dunia.
Arak jadi minuman seharian (rasmi).

tanda2 besar

Binatang melata di bumi
Terbitnya matahari sebelah barat
Turunnya Nabi Isa A.S
Keluarnya Yakjuj dan Makjuj
Gerhana di timur
Gerhana di barat
Gerhana di jazirah Arab
Keluarnya api dari kota Yaman menghalau manusia ke tmpt pengiringan mereka.


kiTa kaWaN eK!

Aku punya teman
Teman sepermainan
Dimana ada dia selalu ada aku
Dia amat manis
Dan juga baik hati
Dan dia slalu ada waktu untuk membantuku
Namun aku bingung
Ketika dia bilang cinta
Dan dia juga katakan‘tuk ingin jadi kekasihku

Cukuplah saja berteman denganku
Janganlah kau meminta lebih
Ku tak mungkin mencintaimu
Kita berteman saja
Teman tapi mesra

Aku memang suka pada dirimu
Namun aku ada yang punya
Lebih baik kita berteman
Kita berteman saja
Teman tapi mesra


stuPiD cUPid..

Stupid cupid u'r a real mean guy
I'd like 2 clip ur wings so u can't fly

I am in
love n it's a crying shame
n I know that u'r d one 2 blame

* Hey hey

set me free
Stupid cupid stop picking on me

Can't do my homework n I can't think straight
I meet her every morning about half past eight
I'm acting like a
lovesick fool
u've even got me carrying ur books 2 school

me up 4 good right from d very start
Hey go play Robin Hood with somebody else's

** You got me jumping like a crazy clown
n I don't feature what ur putting down
Since I kissed his
loving lips of wine
d thing that bothers me is that I like it fine

Stupid cupid stupid cupid
cupid!!sTop it!!! u wilL huRt tHem!



wakakakak!! bosan!erm..if its not bcz of u dek, i wont b here...erm..shall we jump to another?



Finding your way in the dark,
ain't so hard when you're close to my heart
You are there when I'm feeling alone
All I need is for you to come home

You're sweet like chocolate, boy
You're sweet like chocolate
You bring me so much joy
You're sweet like chocolate, boy

Trust is the lock is the key
There's no doubt that your love's all for me
You are sweet on the tip of my tounge
You are warm like the rays of the sun

You're sweet like duh..

Knowing you're there every day
Makes me high in my own special way
I am calm in the face of your love
Holding you is the gift from above

Your sweet like duh


me, myself n faeZ'

adui!!!gue sndr tak tau apa gue raSa!! gue snDr blUr..adui guE cm nK naNgis tapi tak Kuar lak air maTa nih!!kanG guE jeRit kanG, TerkeJut pulaK boSs..
gue tak tau la BabE!! gue unDciDed, coNfuSed!! guE dr Dlu bluR2!! enTah guE biNgai ke apa?
guE nk moVe tp taK kuAt!! gUe caCat ke aPa?? may b gue TakuT??guE raSa tak!! jusT tHat ada boLa BeSi kt Kaki guE..keNe raNtaI koT! eh enTahLah..gue raSa cm nk laRi jeK dR life guE..

naPa guE jaDi cam Ni ha??seBab guE ke?lu RasA??guE kEne manDi bunGa koT!!eh..Lu la ManDi!!

fu** la Life guE!!!teNsioN nyer!!!!!guE tak leh keMana, gue just tak boLeh GeRak!!!FAEZ WAKE UP LA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!adui..guE nk banGun cam maNa???

lu pErnah kenE himPap tiMe tidoR? dgn tak tau la apA BInaTang ni sbNrnyer..JiN ke apA..ha..lu boleH banGun??bukaK maTa pn tak leh kn?!jusT haTi lu jek leh baCa ayaT apa2..ha cam tu La guE skaRang..tp RealitY dLm SedaR!!

guE puAka ke aPa??ke baWak si**??aduI!! laMa2 nipiS juGak HaTi guE..teRhakiS!! argghH!!apA guE nk buAT?? tGgu keaJaiban daTang tibA2?? or guE tgGu pRinCe chArminG daTang selaMatkn Gue?? eh guE kenE kiSs thaT froG ek baRu dia tukaR jadi pRinCe??owh...ke guE ni slEepinG beAutY??

adui tak kn nk g BomoH buanG si**??gue taK cayA smuA tu!! toLonG ek..jGn peNingkn kepaLA otak gue laGi..gue tak larAt tanGgung raSa!!kang gue teRjun kanG!!!

~end of Story~


hei u...

materialistic?? sorry?!eh!!ni yg mmg i patut dpt!!!

kaedah nafkah HARTA yg mesti diberi kepada isteri.

  • mesti menyediakan sebuah rumah utk anak isterinya, sama seperti rumahnya semasa dia bersama ibu bapanya dahulu. kalau tidak menyediakannya, belum selesai tanggungjawab nafkah terhadap isteri.
  • makan dan minum mestilah jenis yang pernah dia terima semasa dia hidup bersama dengan ibu bapanya dahulu. Katalah dahulu, dia makan nasi yang berasnya bernilai beras terbaik. Maka, mestilah menyediakan makan untuk isterinya dengan beras yang terbaik juga.
  • peralatan rumah serta dapur, semuanya mesti disediakan mengikut keadaan dan dari barang yang baik-baik.
  • Sekiranya, dahulunya dia biasa dibantu oleh orang gaji, maka hendaklah suami mengadakan orang gaji untuk isterinya.

"Takutlah kamu kepada Allah dalam urusan perempuan, sesungguhnya kamu mengambil mereka dengan amanah Allah dan telah dihalalkan bagi kamu kemaluan mereka dengan kalimat Allah dan diwajibkan atas kamu memberi nafkah dan pakaian kepada mereka dengan cara yang sebaik-baiknya."

"Tempatkanlah mereka dimana kamu bertempat tinggal menurut kemampuan dan janganlah kamu menyusahkan mereka untuk menyempitkan (hati) mereka."

erm...puas hati dgn kelebihan prempuan sbg wife?? wakakakaka syok nyer!!!


mY truly

Together til the end,
You and me will be friends.
We'll break our friendship never,
together or apart we'll be friends forever.
Through good times and bad,
We'll never get mad.
Through old friends and new friends,
Our friendship never bends.
Eventhough we're changing,
Our friendship is never ending.
With broken hearts and many tears,
We've made it through these past six years.
Different in many ways,
more alike each passing day.
Our memories are the best,
it's our honesty we never test.
Helping each other out,
Always with no doubt.
We've always been each other's better half,
When we hang together we have a full glass.
Together til the end,
You and me will be friends.


tRain ouR mEn

men r not mind readers. s much s they may wan 2 make us happy, they have no idea how!! unless we tell them wha we wan but he still may not have a clue of what it is that a woman wants. He wants 2know, but if u have not told him, he won’t be able 2 figure it out on his own.

n 4my boy - if u feel confused, if u feel like u continue 2strike out in d world of women, if u feel women r oddly angry n they don’t behave in predictable ways — join d club!
It is up 2 us 2 fan d flames of our own desires, 2 explore every drop of what we want, n prioritize our joy above all other values. Why? When we r happy we make brilliant decisions, we r generous with others, n we can train our men how best 2 serve us.

  • She loves attention, appreciation, worship.
  • Treat her like d goddess that she is.
  • Ask Q. Women love it when guys ask their opinion n r truly interested in their response.
  • When she is cranky, do not try 2 “fix” her.
  • Make her a pleasurable offer n if she is not interested, this would b a good time 2 watch sports.

s simple s that...


i hate u n me

I hate the things you put me through
and all the things you subject me to
I hate to see you act this way
I hate myself for loving you anyway
I hate every word that passed your lips
I hate the way I’v missed your kiss
and how you got me to believe all of this
I try to hate you with every breath I take,
But you and I both know its a Big Mistake!!
I love you because I love you... and because I love you, I hate you!
I love you because I love you, and because I hate you, I love you!
I hate you because I love you, and because I love you, I hate you !

should i kill myself or u??
I'm an emotional idiot
so get away from me...

sama tp tak serupa...

hurt?? so do i..
luv?? so do i..
kill??ahaks..so do i..
wat do u think??

orait..2 ayat penyata sama makna lain maksud..
  1. np ayunk ckp camni sedih i dgr. i sayang ayunk sama cam dl x pernah brubah
  2. u! jgn mcm ni.. i slalu wish u n me dpt yg t'baik dlm hidup ni ..i still igt kt u lagi..

okay...jom tafsir!!em..

1. napa ayunk <-- ayunk?? just panggilan or mayb still syg...

2. u! <-- dgn tanda seruan..nothing special bout d 'u'

1. napa ayunk ckp camni sedih i dgr. <--sumthing yg u ckp buatkn dia jd smpati..

2. u! jgn mcm ni..i slalu wish u n me dpt yg t'baik dlm hidup ni.. <--yah..mayb mntk smpati but u n me = u dpt yg t'baik, i dpt yg t'baik..

1. i sayank ayunk sama cm dl x pernah berubah..<--wah!! yup still syg..watsoeva d luv will never change..n it wont..

2. i still igt kt u lagi... <--ingat..meaning tht kdg2 teringat, bukan i still nk u or still syg u!!..

if u ada tafsiran yg lain...??

maybe i...

pendendam or TUHAN tu MAHA ADIL??

em..org kata forgive n forget..eh!! or forgive but dont forget?? yg mana ek??


no...u, i still igt yg kte dh janji..even kte dh xb'sama lg..tp kte ttp jd kwn.
i kkdg sedih sgt bila t'igt kt u..n our relation dlu n skarang ni, cme time je..

u! jgn mcm ni..i slalu wish u n me dpt yg t'baik dlm hidup..i still igt kt u lagi.........................
msg from him..

SHITT!!!!wat am i supposed 2do??
Love isn't something that can be easily replaced, or easily found. So when you love someone never let that person go, and never let that love die. Because when it's gone, you miss it the most!!
<-- aha??but i lost him..

You are gonna get your heart crushed...but what you have to realize is...if God had intended you two to be together, he will find a way...but if you guys don't end up with one another, that just means there is someone out there that is more perfect waiting for you.


adui guYS..

Having a gf can b a dangerous thing!!
u bcome 2 dependent on ur woman 4 ur happiness,
n then if u get dumped,
u find tht u.. all of a sudden lost ur confidence.
being without sex 4 many months, until u finally get a girlfriend again,
and... d cycle repeats..

Often by around month 6 in a relationship is when a woman really starts 2 take a guy 4granted, so avoid that by remaining a challenge.
So d solution 2 remaining d attractive, alpha guy in ur relationships is threefold:

wakahakah dun eva follow tis!! POYOssss
  • b willing 2 focus ur time on things other than ur gf. Don't reward her 4 acting bitchy by continuing 2b around her when she does. On the other hand, 2, reward her 4 good behavior by giving her more of ur time when she acts sweet.
  • Always have it in d back of your mind tht u could end d relationship at any time. Don't explicitly threaten her w that, but just make it a subtle implication. That way she'll never bcome truly comfortable w d relationship n will keep working 2 win u.
  • Always allow her 2 think that's she's just a little bit more interested in u than u R in her. Again, tis can b very subtle, but if u're telling her 20 times a day that u love her, n she's only telling u that twice, then obviously d situation is badly out of whack.


eNtah..tRianGle ya..

is iT a gaMe oR suMthin..i bluR..reaLly..i caNt moVe beCause of Him..oh God..plEase..
staNdinG heRe sTilL waiTing 4 keajaibAn dTg tiBa2..DaMn!!!Wake-Up la!!!!!!!!!
Bizarre Triangle

Every time I think of u
I get a shot riTe through
Into a bolt of blue
It's no problem of mine
But it's a problem I find
Living d life tht I can't leave behind

There's no sense in telling me
d wisdom of a fool won't set u free
But that's d way that it goes
n it's what nobody knows
n every day my confusion grows

Every time I c u falling
I get down on my knees n pray
I'm waiting 4d final moment
u say d words that I can't say

I feel fine d I feel good
I feel like I never should
Whenever I get this way
I just don't know what 2 say
y can't we b ourselves like we were yesterday

I'm not sure what this could mean
I don't think u're what u seem
I do admit to myself
That if I hurt some1 else
Then I'll never c just what we're meant 2b

Every time I c u falling
I get down on my knees n pray
I'm waiting 4d final moment
u'll say d words that I can't say

Every time I c u falling
I'll get down on my knees n pray
I'm waiting 4d final moment
u'll say d words that I can't say

entaHla DeaR..i let it b..


Ta oNe!!

...My cheEks r tuRniNg red... I'm seArchiNg 4 d worDs inSide my head... I'm feELing nerVous... TryiNg 2b so pErfect... CaUse I knOw u're woRth it... ...u're wOrth it...

haVe u Eva luV soMeoNe juSt liKe hELL??
haVe u Eva luv SomEonE sooo... DamN muCh??
luv maYb BliNd, CraZy s WeLl..DamN!!!

BuT dEar...
iM soRry...ReaLly..SoRRy 2hER 2..


waT ta heLl??

dunno..wat is going on there..not here..but s far s i concern..he is stiLl w me..
should i move or should i stay? i dunno..really blur w d c2ation..
WOW!! might b dugaan or we never meant 2 b 4 each other actually?!
dunno wat will happen 2morrow..just feel unDcded..i'm LoST!! teLL me ..wic way 2go??
"...I can't explain d feeling tht I feel, I'm not even sure tat they're 4 real. Doesn't work 2 end. Wondering y things r this way?? Wat ta fuck did I say? 2 make u hate me any way..."
if u wan me 2 wait..
I will wait 4 u..
if u tell me 2 stay..
I will stay right through
if u dont wanna say anything at all..
im happy wondering"

cupiD..plEase tell me.
wat should i do? wat is Goin on? y suddenly?
y u piLih diA? np ??

should i tell him "U TAKE UR ROAD, I'LL TAKE MINE"

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