aku sindarela lahhh!

Heart99: every day I saw u online

cupid: heheheh

Heart99: disebabkan bz I tak menegur U...bukan sombong tapi malu...heheh

cupid: laaa pulak

Heart99: minta contact number bertuah kalau nak dapat....
Heart99: yelah market tengah high...
Heart99: don't u like to talk to me thru phone....
Heart99: call me if u want at 012-6696*** or my direct line at the office 27315***...
Heart99: just ignore my contact number if u don't like
Heart99: I know u will never want to call me..walau number dah di beri...

cupid:wakakakkak..takmo ar ckp cm tuh

Heart99: but I can feel macam u tak berapa berat nak call pun
Heart99: about my number tadi tu...tak salin pun takpe..
Heart99: not important...
Heart99: ok sweet lady, take care..ok

1 comment:

misz_dini said...

ya allah...desperate nyer....knock! knock! umur dah baper skang??? knock! knock! dah kawin ker belum...too bad heart99 tak tanyer....meh lah sini bagi aku wat anak ikan...wakakakakaka

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