no...u, i still igt yg kte dh janji..even kte dh xb'sama kte ttp jd kwn.
i kkdg sedih sgt bila t'igt kt u..n our relation dlu n skarang ni, cme time je..
u! jgn mcm ni..i slalu wish u n me dpt yg t'baik dlm hidup..i still igt kt u lagi.........................
msg from him..
SHITT!!!!wat am i supposed 2do??
Love isn't something that can be easily replaced, or easily found. So when you love someone never let that person go, and never let that love die. Because when it's gone, you miss it the most!!<-- aha??but i lost him..

You are gonna get your heart crushed...but what you have to realize is...if God had intended you two to be together, he will find a way...but if you guys don't end up with one another, that just means there is someone out there that is more perfect waiting for you.
SHITT!!!!wat am i supposed 2do??
Love isn't something that can be easily replaced, or easily found. So when you love someone never let that person go, and never let that love die. Because when it's gone, you miss it the most!!<-- aha??but i lost him..

You are gonna get your heart crushed...but what you have to realize is...if God had intended you two to be together, he will find a way...but if you guys don't end up with one another, that just means there is someone out there that is more perfect waiting for you.
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