s: beb i syg u
iyer ke???
s: yub..i dah tanye hati i bebetul..so... i mmg syg u...sori ek ckp mcmnih..
bila u tny?
s: dr semlm..
apa u tny
s: sbb i confused... makin i cube tak tegur u... lg i can't stand so...biler dah tanye2... i really knew the answer,...
kehkehkeh apa soalan u??
s: takpela..cukup utk i sorang je tau..i sorry sgt
ala share la
s: tamo... pls... cian kat i.. jgn tanye lg ye...
heheheh ala u suke jek. we dont cl that sayang
s: eeemm.. i tamo ckp sbb...i tamo susahkan hati i lg sendiri..n beb..kalu i tak pegi kenduri u,...harap u phm..ek.. i'm sorry
p/s : jgn pgl i hentai gurl ya bot!