erm..theme cam dah tak balinese terpaksa tukar cz debot nk yg unique..so abg nan kata kita buat balinese + bollywood = baliwood!!
lantak laaa..
p/s : debot sorry if i fussy2 sgt about d map ya..i just nak yg d best 4 us..
my classmate dulu kat st mary..
10 yrs tak jumpa kn?
sha..cross jalan dah sampai k..
neway thanks 4 d card ya..i dh hang kt board dah
n wishing u salam aidilfitri
maaf zahir batin k
sumtimes I find myself sittin' back n reminiscing
Especially when I have 2 watch other people kissin'
n I remember when u started callin' me ur missus
All d play fightin', all d flirtatious disses
I'd tell u sad stories about my childhood
I don't know y I trusted u but I knew that I could
We'd spend d whole weekend lying in our own dirt
I was just so happy in your boxers n your t-shirt
Dreams, Dreams
Of when we had just started things
Dreams of u n meIt seems, It seems
That I can't shake those memories
I wonder if you have d same dreams 2.
d littlest things that take me there
I know it sounds lame but its so true
I know its not right, but it seems unfair
That d things r reminding me of u
Sumtimes I wish we could just pretend
Even if only 4 1 weekend
So come on, Tell me
Is this the end?
Drinkin' tea in bed
Watching DVD's
When I discovered all ur dirty grotty magazines
u take me out shopping n all we'd buy is trainers
As if we ever needed anything 2 entertain us
d 1st time that u introduced me 2ur friends
n u could tell I was nervous, so you held my hand
when I was feeling down, u made that face u do
There's no 1 in d world that could replace u
p/s : faez..bulan puasa laaaaaa