n u kata " yunk, we should start beli brg2 rumah dh..."
n u kata " no cats inside d house.."
n u kata " yunk, u hilang akal ke?? i windu u giler!!"
n u kata " yung, i nak u!!"
n u kata " ahh...u dh tak sayang i!!"
n u kata " alaa dak chik i nih.. "
n u kata " meh meh hug hug hug...ergghhhh!!!"
n u kata " yunk, dh la marah. i tak faham knp bnd kecik pn u nk marah smpai mcm ni!"
n u kata " hah..its ok dear"
n u kata "i syang u sangat la yunk"
n u kata, kata, kata n kata.....

my lovely dak chit..
I do have 2 many things 2 say 2u but sometimes .....
If I should say that I understand myself any more, I lied.
If I should say that I am not confused, I lied.
If I should say that I have seen a thing like this, I lied.
I want D best 4 me. Could U be D one? I hope U R D right Romeo... I hope I can trust U with my heart... ARGGHHH!!!I am more confused than ever. I have to make up my mind before its 2late!! I'd like 2 run away From u, But if u didn't come And find me ... I would die...

1 man all by himself is nothing!! 2 people who belong together make a world...hehehe